windows - How can I automatically require a password when connecting to a WD MyBookLive?

  • user-123

    I have created a user which has specific privileges to access the shares on our WD MyBookLive Network drive (ie it requires a password to connect), however after connecting once Windows seems to remember the password (or at least for the rest of the session). How can I make it so it is necessary to require a password every time the user connects to the drive or makes some change on Windows? I am particularly thinking of Cryptolocker and other variants of "ransomeware" which will try and connect to the drive and encrypt it.

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  • Questioner

    I realize that virus-proof on a Windows PC is far fetched, but in the interest of keeping time spent as the "family-tech-support" to a minimum, I am looking for ideas to lock a computer down to the point that it is very hard to collect ad-ware/spyware, malware, or viruses.

    Assume the user is my mom, who rarely, if ever, needs administrator access and mostly uses the computer for MS Office and web browsing.

  • Related Answers
  • enter image description here

    Probably the best advice I've ever heard on the topic is: Stop running as an administrator.

  • Area 51

    Try Sandboxie

    Sandboxie runs your programs in an isolated space which prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer.

    enter image description here

    Benefits of the Isolated Sandbox

    • Secure Web Browsing: Running your Web browser under the protection of Sandboxie means that all malicious software downloaded by the browser is trapped in the sandbox and can be discarded trivially.

    • Enhanced Privacy: Browsing history, cookies, and cached temporary files collected while Web browsing stay in the sandbox and don't leak into Windows.

    • Secure E-mail: Viruses and other malicious software that might be hiding in your email can't break out of the sandbox and can't infect your real system.

    • Windows Stays Lean: Prevent wear-and-tear in Windows by installing software into an isolated sandbox.